Olivier Meier Films

Your story, my vision: documentary films that resonate


Facts don’t change people’s behaviour. Connection does.

Olivier Meier Demo Reel 2023

Dear Olivier, 

Thank you, again and again!

You have managed to create a very touching and exciting documentary.

I have just called all of the company employees to view it together.

The team feedback was a mix of excitement and true pride.

– Yoni Ben-Zvi CEO of Javelin Medical

“Working with director and photographer Olivier Meier was a great professional experience. He is meticulous in his craft, preps well and knows how to get the emotions needed from me as an actress. Working with him is a pleasure.”

Ania Nova, Actress. IMDB

Wie Ihr Geschäft auf das nächste Level Springt

“ADHD Runner” looks at an alternative to a life on medication. (2023)

“Just change her name”, a SPEC advert for BetterHelp.

“Dusk”, a study of light at dusk by the water. (2022)